Waveland Properties is proud to offer commercial properties in the historic downtown Carlisle area. Located in the hub of our downtown shopping district all locations are conveniently located within walking distance of dining, shopping and entertainment.
Commercial properties include:
- 1901 Chestnut Street, Camp Hill, by Best Friends Day Care
- 136 W. High Street, currently occupied by Ejecta Art Gallery
- 52 W. Pomfret Street, currently occupied by Keller Law Firm
- 141 W. High Street, currently occupied by Dickinson College & Tawan Thai Restaurant
- 100 S. West Street, currently occupied by Dickinson College
- 1068 Harrisburg Pike currently occupied by PSL
- 1066 Harrisburg Pike currently occupied by A Paw Above Dog Groomers
- 1064 Harrisburg Pike currently occupied by MacKenzie Smith, Inc.